Geovanna Turri
5th Year PhD Student
Psychologist, graduated in Health Management from the Federal University of Reconcavo da Bahia and Master in Social Psychology (UFS). She studies mental health in male population and health beliefs .
Luana Silva-Santos
5th Year PhD Student
Psychologist, Master's in Social Psychology at UFS and graduated in Health Management from the Federal University of Reconcavo da Bahia. Currently, she investigates burnout in teachers.
Catiele Reis
4rd Year PhD Student
Psychologist, Master's in Psychology at UFS and also graduated in a multiprofessional residency with the emphasis on adult and elderly health at the University Hospital (HU/UFS). Currently, she study coping strategies in rheumatoid arthritis.
Kelyane Souza (in memorian)
4rd Year PhD Student
She was psychologist, Master's in Psychology at UFS and also graduated in a multiprofessional residency in collective health at the Tiradentes University in Sergipe (UNIT-SE). Her doctoral research was focused on personality theories and Lupus.
Brenda Silva-Ferraz
2nd Year PhD Student
Psychologist and Master's in Psychology at UFS. Currently, she researches psychological adjustment in acne, the Five-Factor Model of Personality, impulsiveness, anxiety and depression symptomatology. Scholarship recipient of Foundation Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
Daiane Nunes
3nd Year PhD Student
Psychologist, doctoral student in the Psychology Graduate Program at the Federal University of Sergipe, Master in Psychology from the Federal University of Sergipe. Currently, she is studying psychological adjustment of parents whose children have cerebral palsy.
Luanna Silva
3nd Year PhD Student
Psychologist and Master's in Psychology at UFS. During her master 's degree, her thesis sought to provide a theoretical and instrumental basis for understanding the experience of undergoing medical procedures in a closed space. Currently, she studies psychological mechanisms associated with the severity of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Scholarship recipient of Foundation Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
Milena Bahiano
3nd Year PhD Student
Psychologist and Master's in Psychology at UFS. Specialist in Mental Health from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Thesis in progress: PTSD, psychological trauma and coping in criminal police officers in Bahia. Scholarship recipient of Foundation Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
Susana Santana
2st Year PhD Student
Psychologist and Master’s degree in Development and Environment from the Development and Environment Program (PRODEMA) at UFS. Thesis in progress: Psychological adjustment of people in the process of losing their sight due to glaucoma.
Laurisson Albuquerque
2st Year PhD Student
Physician/Nephrologist. Master's degree and Medical Residency in Nephrology at the Federal University of Sao Paulo (USP). Thesis in progress: Psychological adjustment of elderly people undergoing hemodialisis treatment.
Jessica Santos
1st Year PhD Student
Psychologist since 2014. Master's in Psychology at UFS. Thesis: ‘Academic adaptation and mental health: an analysis of hardiness in undergraduate students subjected to different teaching methodologies’.